• The White Desert Tour starts off with a visit to Cairo where you can see some iconic sites such as The Great Pyramids of Giza and The Sphinx. From there you will travel south into Aswan where you will experience traditional Nubian culture by visiting local markets or taking part in cultural activities at your hotel’s poolside barbeque area. Once leaving Aswan it’s time for an overnight stay in Siwa Oasis before heading out into the desert itself! Here visitors are able to take part in 4×4 jeep rides across sand dunes while also experiencing sunset camel rides around ancient ruins from centuries ago – all culminating with amazing views over Lake Qaroun under starry night skies!


  • Bahariya Oasis is a desert oasis located in the Western Desert of Egypt. It’s an ideal destination for those looking to explore the beauty and culture of this ancient land. Bahariya Oasis tours offer visitors a chance to experience all that this unique region has to offer, from its stunning landscapes and hidden gems, to its rich history and vibrant culture.
  • The first stop on any Bahariya Oasis tour is White Desert National Park, where you can take in breathtaking views of white sandstone formations stretching as far as the eye can see. You’ll also have opportunities for trekking through lush green valleys or exploring nearby hot springs while taking in some incredible wildlife sightings along the way! Afterward, you’ll travel further into Bahariya’s Black Desert – home to some fascinating rock formations known as ‘black mountains’ – before heading back towards your accommodation at one of several luxury resorts near Cairo or Luxor City Center hotels with amazing views over Nile River Valley .
  • Finally , no trip would be complete without visiting Siwa – an oases city situated deep within Egypt’s western desert region which offers visitors plenty more cultural experiences such as traditional markets , mud-brick architecture & local food specialties like kushary (rice & lentils) . From here it will be time bid farewell until next time when hopefully you will get another chance explore even more wonders that await around every corner during your journey through beautiful bahriya !
  • The Bawiti Bahariya Oasis tour from Cairo is an excellent way to explore the beauty of Egypt’s western desert. Located in the Western Desert, about 370 kilometers away from Cairo, it offers a unique experience that combines adventure and culture. The first stop on this tour is at Bahariya Oasis where visitors can take part in activities such as trekking through sand dunes or visiting hot springs and ancient tombs; they also have a chance to visit local Bedouin villages for some cultural interaction with locals.
  • Once you reach Bawiti, you will be able to see many impressive sights including colorful rock formations and crystal-clear mineral pools that are perfect for swimming or soaking your feet after a long day of exploring! You can also hike up Mount Qasr al Agouz which provides stunning views over the entire oasis. After taking time out here, your journey continues towards Ain El Fursan Lake where you can enjoy bird watching amidst its tranquil waters before heading back towards Cairo late afternoon/early evening depending upon when you started off originally!


  • White Desert National Park is an incredible natural wonder located in the heart of Bahariya Oasis Desert. Spanning over 3010 square kilometers, it is home to a vast array of unique wildlife and geological features that make it one of Bahariya Oasis most stunning national parks. From its expansive sand dunes to its rocky outcrops and salt flats, White Desert National Park offers visitors a once-in-a-lifetime experience that will stay with them forever.


  • Egypt is home to some of the most spectacular desert safaris in the world. From riding camels through ancient ruins to exploring Bedouin villages, a desert safari in Egypt offers an unforgettable experience for travelers. Whether you’re looking for adventure or relaxation, there are plenty of unique opportunities available on a desert safari in Egypt.
  • The best way to explore the beauty and culture of Egypt’s deserts is by taking part in a guided tour with experienced guides who know how to navigate this vast landscape safely and comfortably. Many tours offer camel rides through sand dunes, visits to Bedouin campsites where visitors can learn about traditional customs and lifestyle from local people, as well as jeep rides across rocky terrain that provide stunning views over distant mountains and oases along the way. There are also many cultural activities such as visiting archaeological sites like Giza Pyramids or Luxor Temple which give tourists insight into Egyptian history while providing them with breathtaking scenery at every turn!


  • Egypt is a country full of history, culture and adventure. One of the most popular ways to experience all that Egypt has to offer is through desert tours from Cairo. These tours provide visitors with an opportunity to explore the vast deserts outside of Cairo, while learning about the unique landscape and wildlife in this part of Africa.
  • Cairo desert tours typically begin by driving out into the Sahara Desert where guests will have a chance to see some incredible sights such as sand dunes, oases and ancient ruins. Depending on which tour you choose there may also be opportunities for camel riding or visiting Bedouin villages along your journey through this vast expanse of land. Additionally many guides are extremely knowledgeable about local flora and fauna so if you’re lucky enough they might even be able share stories or knowledge about different species living in these areas!



  • The Siwa Oasis in Egypt is a unique and beautiful place. It is located near the border between Libya and Egypt, about 50 miles east of the Mediterranean Sea. The oasis has been inhabited since at least 10,000 BC and was once an important stop on caravan routes from Africa to Europe. Today it remains an important tourist destination due to its stunning landscape, ancient history, unique culture and delicious cuisine.
  • Siwa’s landscape features lush palm groves surrounded by sand dunes that stretch as far as the eye can see. The oasis also contains many natural springs which are used for irrigation purposes throughout the region; these have made it possible for locals to cultivate olives, dates palms fruits vegetables such as tomatoes cucumbers onions lettuce etc., along with grains like wheat barley millet etc.. Additionally there are salt flats nearby where salt extraction takes place using traditional methods passed down through generations of local families who have lived here for centuries if not millennia!

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