Bahariya Oasis Of Egypt

How Far is Bahariya Oasis ?

  • Bahariya Oasis is approximately 360 km away from Cairo. Located in 6Th of October Governorate, it has an art museum and the main agricultural products are guavas, mangos, dates, and olives.
  • Bahariya consists of many villages of which Bawiti is the largest and the administrative center. Qasr is Bawiti’s neighboring/twin village. To the east, about ten kilometers away are the villages of Mandishah and el Zabu. A smaller village called Aguz lies between Bawiti and Mandishah. Harrah, the eastern most village, is a few kilometers east of Mandishah and el Zabu. Hiez is the last village, but it may not always be considered as part of Bahariya because it is so far from the rest of the villages, about fifty kilometers south of Bawiti.
  • The people of the oasis, or the Wahati people ( meaning “of the oasis” in Arabic), are the descendants of the ancient people who inhabited the oasis, Bedouin tribes from Libya and the north coast, and other people from the Nile Valley who came to settle in the oasis.
  • The majority of Wahati people in Bahariya are Muslims. There are many mosques in Bahariya. The nature of social settings in the oasis is highly influenced by Islam.
  • Also, traditional music is very important to the Wahati people. Flutes, drums, and the simsimeyya (a harp-like instrument) are played at social gatherings, particularly at weddings. Traditional songs sung in rural style are passed down from generation to generation, and new songs are invented as well. Music from Cairo, the greater Middle East, and other parts of the world are now easily accessible to the people of the oasis.
  • Agriculture is still an important source of income, though now the iron ore industry close to Bahariya provides jobs for many Wahati people. Recently there has also been an increase in tourism to the oasis because of antiquities (tombs, mummies and other artifacts have been discovered there), and because of the beautiful surrounding deserts. Wahati and foreign guides lead adventure desert tours based out of Bahariya to the surrounding white and black deserts, and sometimes to Siwa or the southern oases. Tourism is a new and important source of income for locals, and it has brought an international presence to the oasis.
  • Here is also the ruin of a temple to Alexander the Great located within the Bahariya Oasis. It is believed by some Egyptologists that the Greek conqueror passed through Bahariya while returning from the oracle of Ammon at Siwa Oasis. Excavations of the Greco-Roman necropolis, known as the Valley of the Golden Mummies began in 1996. Approximately thirty-four tombs have been excavated from this area
  • In the spring of 2010, a Roman-era mummy was unearthed in a Bahariya Oasis cemetery. The 3-foot-tall female mummy was found covered with plaster decorated to resemble Roman dress and jewelry. In addition to the female mummy, archaeologists found clay and glass vessels, coins, anthropoid masks and 14 Greco-Roman tombs. Director of Cairo and Giza Antiquities Mahmoud Affifi, the archaeologist who led the dig, said the tomb has a unique design with stairways and corridors, and could date to 300 B.C. This find came as a result of excavation work for the construction of a youth center
  • Carcharodontosaurus & Bahariasaurus(meaning “Bahariya lizard”) dinosaur found in the Bahariya Formation, which date to about 95 million years ago. It was a huge theropod, it was described by Ernst Stromer in 1934, though the type specimen was destroyed during World War II.
  • in Bahariya oasis Artifacts have been discovered there), and because of the beautiful surrounding deserts. Wahati and foreign guides lead adventure desert tours based out of Bahariya to the surrounding white and black deserts, and sometimes to Siwa or the southern oases.Tourism is a new and important source of income for locals, and it has brought an international presence to the oasis. here is also the ruin of a temple to Alexander the Great located within the Bahariya Oasis. It is believed by some Egyptologists that the Greek conquerorpassed through Bahariya while returning from the oracle of Ammon at Siwa Oasis. Excavations of the Greco-Roman necropolis, known as the Valley of the Golden Mummies began in 1996. Approximately thirty-four tombs have been excavated from this area.In the spring of 2010, a Roman-era mummy was unearthed in a Bahariya Oasis
  • The 3-foot-tall female mummy was found covered with plaster decorated to resemble Roman dress and jewelry. In addition to the female mummy, archaeologists found clay and glass vessels, coins, anthropoid masks and 14 Greco-Roman tombs. Director of Cairo and Giza
  • Antiquities Mahmoud Affifi, the archaeologist who led the dig, said the tomb has a unique design with stairways and corridors, and could date to 300 B.C.

Bahariya Oasis Tours

  •   Gebel El Dist
  • { Pyramid Mountain }- in the northern part of the Baharyia Oasis, Egypt, seen from southwest. The flanks of that hill expose the type section of the Bahariya Formation, a siliciclastic unit of earliest Upper Cretaceous (early Cenomanian) age.
  • find came as a result of excavation work for the construction of a youth center.
    Carcharodontosaurus & Bahariasaurus(meaning “Bahariya lizard”) dinosaur found in the Bahariya Formation, which date to about 95 million years ago. It was a huge theropod, it was described by Ernst Stromer in 1934, though the type specimen was destroyed during World War II.

Day Tour in Bahariya Oasis Hot and Cold Springs

  • Bahariya Oasis if famous for its numerous hot (and by hot we mean 45°C/113°F) and cold springs. As with all springs in the Western Desert of Egypt, the mineral content is high and the water can stain your swimwear.

Bahariya Oasis

  • Bahariya Oasis is a desert oasis located in the Western Desert of Egypt. It’s an ideal destination for those looking to explore the beauty and culture of this ancient land. Bahariya Oasis tours offer visitors a chance to experience all that this unique region has to offer, from its stunning landscapes and hidden gems, to its rich history and vibrant culture. 
  • The first stop on any Bahariya Oasis tour is White Desert National Park, where you can take in breathtaking views of white sandstone formations stretching as far as the eye can see. You’ll also have opportunities for trekking through lush green valleys or exploring nearby hot springs while taking in some incredible wildlife sightings along the way! Afterward, you’ll travel further into Bahariya’s Black Desert – home to some fascinating rock formations known as ‘black mountains’ – before heading back towards your accommodation at one of several luxury resorts near Cairo or Luxor City Center hotels with amazing views over Nile River Valley . 
  •  Finally , no trip would be complete without visiting Siwa – an oases city situated deep within Egypt’s western desert region which offers visitors plenty more cultural experiences such as traditional markets , mud-brick architecture & local food specialties like kushary (rice & lentils) . From here it will be time bid farewell until next time when hopefully you will get another chance explore even more wonders that await around every corner during your journey through beautiful bahriaya !
  • The Bawiti Bahariya Oasis tour from Cairo is an excellent way to explore the beauty of Egypt’s western desert. Located in the Western Desert, about 270 kilometers away from Cairo, it offers a unique experience that combines adventure and culture. The first stop on this tour is at Bahariya Oasis where visitors can take part in activities such as trekking through sand dunes or visiting hot springs and ancient tombs; they also have a chance to visit local Bedouin villages for some cultural interaction with locals. 
  • Once you reach Bawiti, you will be able to see many impressive sights including colorful rock formations and crystal-clear mineral pools that are perfect for swimming or soaking your feet after a long day of exploring! You can also hike up Mount Qasr al Agouz which provides stunning views over the entire oasis. After taking time out here, your journey continues towards Ain El Fursan Lake where you can enjoy bird watching amidst its tranquil waters before heading back towards Cairo late afternoon/early evening depending upon when you started off originally! 

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